Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

  • The first task for students was to collect material about Palace of the Grand Dukes.

    The collected material was by Powerpoint presentation. Students saw different and autentic periods of the castle, famous finds, iconic material, drafts, plans, drawings - all thinhs from all parts of the Europe.

    The exhibits of this museum is the unique archaeologycal and architectural reserve.

    Students had to carry out the task about the development and evoliution of the territory from the ancient time before its restoration. 

    Students were interested about educational schools in Lithuania and one of the foundereducation system - Bona Sforza, she was the Queen of Lithuania and Poland. They know a lot about her character and personality from museum's information.

    After returning from museum students created a programme for other students who can visit the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania using this programme.