I'm artist too


    Students from 4º ESO B  have made videos where they give some information about some paintings made by Canarian artists  that can be visited at the Canary Art Centre Casa Mané. The students have made videos where they speak about the artist and the masterpiece and they have also given their opinion about the piece of art chosen by them. Through the subject of English Language, students have known part of our artistic culture and we are lucky to have the Canary Art Centre Casa Mané in Fuerteventura which will be visited soon by these students.

    Puerto del Rosario is the capital city of Fuerteventura where sculptures and murals made by Canary artists can be seen all around the town. In this way, Puerto del Rosario is an outdoor museum.   

    Toño Patallo is a Canary artist who has visited our high school and has made a workshop with our students.  


    One of the activity we did in Croatia was realed to ART.  In this great and beautiful activity we visited Đurđevac where we enjoyed the Dalí exhibition which was there. We also visited  Hlebine where we got to know a world famous naïve art in Naïve Art Gallery. „I am a naïve artist too“ workshop with a naïve art painter.

    Watch video about our ART EXPERIENCE in Croatia


    Students from Fossati-Da Passano play Italian traditional songs during a music school group performance. The students live in a mountain comunity 55Km far from La Spezia centre, they chose popular songs which belong to their own cultural heritage. The musical instruments, such as "fisarmonica" (accordion), are traditionally played in the North of Italy.



    Croatian students made a video about Naive Gallery in Hlebine and Podravski motivi in Koprivnica. Podravski motivi are the Naive fair. They interwieved famous naive painters.
