
    I Liceum Ogólnoksztalcące im. 14 Pułku Powstańców Śląskich ( 1st High School named after 14th Regiment of Silesian Insurgents) in Wodzisław Śląski is the oldest comprehensive school in the area, situated in the southern Poland in the province of Silesia, close to borders of Czechia and Slovakia. In the past, the area hosted lots of nationality groups (Polish, Czech, German, Jewish, Roms). Even now, it is a little homeland of people of Silesian and non-Silesian origin: of those who speak the dialect and of those who don’t. The school teaches 644 students and employs 51 teachers. Students are divided into classes which are profiled according to their interests, class for humanities, maths and physics (IT), biology and chemistry and geography and languages. Although the school does not have SEN specialising classes, more and more students with disabilities want to pursue their education, because of the good school facilities, high standard of education and a friendly atmosphere.

    Socio-economic environment, which the students come from is very diverse. Our school is attended by students from Wodzislaw Slaski and the surrounding smaller towns. They come from very different backgrounds: from well-off families, from families that support the student in the learning process and the choice of way of life, as well as from families that are struggling with all sorts of problems: financial, social, health etc. The school is motivated to enter the project in order to enable the students to learn about local history and preserve culture which is in danger of disappearance. Moreover, we are motivated to focus students attention on the vast richness of the Polish language with special attention put to the Silesian dialect. Another important reason is that the project would enable us to concentrate on art of the region and country in general. There is no such subject as Art in Polish secondary education system. Students have no place for their artistic expression of this kind. We would like to take part in the project in order to show people from other countries our cultural heritage and learn the heritage of other project countries which would open the students’ eyes to the diversity of UE cultural heritage. Dominika Sidor, an English teacher and Erasmus+ coordinator has organizational and intercultural competences and skills validation competences. The teacher took part in the organization of international student exchanges over the past ten years. She teamed up with the Polish-German Youth Cooperation and the Polish - Lithuanian Youth Exchange Fund. Last school year, the teacher began international cooperation in the eTwinning project by engaging in four educational projects one of which was given a European Quality Label. In case Dominika Sidor leaves her post she will be replaced by Piotr Sidor. In case he is not able to do that, her role is going to be taken by the Head of the English Department at school.