superhero foods



    Pupils participating in e-Twinning and Erasmus+ were taught about the benefits of consuming fresh seasonal vegetables. After that, during their e-Twinning course, they prepared a healthy vegetable salad and shared it with their schoolmates. For some of the pupils, it was a hard experience while for others, a joyful and tasteful one. In conclusion, it's an experience worth trying!




    Learn to eat salads with seasonal vegetables

    We eat vegetable salad daily because:

    • Leafy greens and raw veggies are a superb source of natural fiber.
    • Eating salads will help us feel full in a healthy way.
    • A daily salad will add our intake of healthy fats.
    • The nutrients found in leafy greens can improve our muscle performance.
    • Nutrients such as folate and fiber can protect our heart.
    • High levels of water found in salad veggies improve hydration in our bodies, which is necessary for youthful skin.

    PROJECT: Let’s make a salad in class!

         Bring a cup of the following vegetables: Raw spinach, raw baby arugula, raw carrots, raw napa cabbage, raw red cabbage, raw beetroots. The salad will be served with a dressing of olive oil, honey and mustard.