Introduce HeartHero diaries to your students.
You can download and edit the template here: ,
At our school, we gave a copy of the diary to every student (the text is in our mother tongue) after introducing the project.
Deadline for introducing the diaries: 31st October
It works like this:
1) Students fill in the information about themselves.
2) There are three main categories with 5 very general challenges in each section. There are more lines so that students can add their own challenges.
3) Students can start doing good deeds. They try to document their deeds - they can take photos or videos.
4) At our school, we are three teachers involved in the project. When students accomplish something, they present the deed to one of us (photos/videos, their notes etc.). Then we fill in one square (or more squares if the deed is more important) - we write a keyword, date and we sign.
5) Students present what they have done to their classmates and here on eTwinning platform.
6) Try to motivate students to discuss the deeds and motivate students to go on.