• The 12D students selected SDG #4 to work on and created a website that you can visit.

    They also challenge us all to re-think the school system.

    Students have a voice!

    Check out our website:


    The 12thD participated in an international competition called "YOUTH FOR A SUSTAINABLE WORLD: NOW" and decided to create a project based on SDG #4 - Quality Education.


    To achieve our goals and meet the competition requirements, we created a website and did a long research work, including interviews to teachers from different countries.

    We produced a videoclip to let us know that STUDENTS CAN HAVE A VOICE - and we do know what can be improved in our educational system.

    For this project they also interviewed the School Principal, Mr Álvaro Santos, the Teacher Trainer, Prof. Maria Ellison, from the University of Porto, and they met with the City Hall councilwoman for Education, Ms. Elisa Cidade.


    They interviewd teachers from an ERASMUS+ project who visited our school and became our partners in this eTwinning project. They are from Italy, Romania and Greece (Crete).




    They also applied a survey to students, teachers and parents so as to find out their opinion about the Portuguese School System. Here are the results:



