Polish nationwide Erasmus + dissemination conference: “Your project inspires others – practically about the results of educational projects” - workshop “Ready for action - with STEAM for the competences of the future. Examples of activities combining science and art as part of the "STEAM like Leonardo" project” for the teachers in Toruń (13-14. 09. 2020)
During the conference, the results of several - from the group of the most interesting - projects were presented, the participants of which can be considered ambassadors of activities undertaken over the last years. The aim of the event was to show the activities undertaken by our schools in connection with the implementation of the Erasmus + Program. The Polish coordinator introduced in a practical way the innovation and working method running during the project. The project was presented as the examples of good practices, with various ICT tools and methods of work.
LINK to the presentation
LINK to the worksheet - guide – examples of origami