Leonardo the artist
"I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have." Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo was a polymath, someone whose level of genius encompassed many fields including invention, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history, and cartography. He is known to have said, "Learning never exhausts the mind."
Despite his exhaustive explorations into multiple areas of expertise, Leonardo is primarily celebrated as a painter. Some of his works have consistently been regarded with a timeless, universal fame such as his enigmatic portrait The Mona Lisa, his most reproduced religious work of all time, The Last Supper, and his the Vitruvian Man, an early instructive drawing of precise spatial and anatomical symmetry.
We've worked on many aspects such as :
1) The aerian perspective
2) The Leonardo's hands (we studied the cure and the precisions Leonardo used for painting the hands in his mastercpieces). We've created a prezi presentation with a photos-shoot about Leonardo hands and our hands
3) We recreated a "The Last supper" making a movie full of Leonardo's and STEAM clous and suggestions;
4) Using Sketch up or scratch and, STEAM methodology, we've recreated in 3D the churches Leonardo never realised .
5) Actually we realised also a his Bottega in a Video 3D. Once we studied the Bottega system in the Firenze of Renaissance se prétend tout Foundation out histone.
6) you will find also one prezi about the Leonardo military Architecture and an other one about the Camera Obscura .
You can see all these work ìs in the padlet below.
Italian STEAM Crew