After each part of the project the students and the teachers filled the forms. Throughout the 3 year project we carried out formative assessment to adjust the content, methodology or whatever needed to make the project work successfully. We defined a limited number of indicators to facilitate monitoring. From the google forms in the Drive and Twinspace page, we can assure our students have improved their knowledge concerning STEAM subjects, intercultural competence, communication and social skills in national and international/multicultural groups, language skills, online tools and collaborative learning. As far as teachers are concerned, we have improved teaching skills and methods, communication (in English), ICT skills and motivation for the job. Since we involved families and local institutions in this project, we have strengthened the European dimension of our school.
- C1 assessment - Leonardo and his times (SP_Girona - October 2018)
(click the icon to go to the Google Form - C1 assessment questions)

ANSWERS Mobility assessment for teachers
- C2 assessment - Leonardo the artist (SP_Girona - March 2019)
Google Form - C2 assessment for TEACHERS
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
Mobility assessment for students
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
- C3 assessment - Leonardo the Anatomist (RO_Buzau - May 2019)
Mobility assessment for students
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
Mobility assessment for teachers
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for teachers
After first year of the cooperation
As we can see from the statistics, as the project has been going on, we keep/gain good results for both teachers and students’ indicators. That shows we have accomplished our four objectives: engaging students in the STEAM areas, develop intercultural competences and research, digital and communication skills through ICT tools, Social and gender inclusion and equality of opportunities and educational innovation.
Students have felt more motivated to work in the STEAM areas thanks to the LEO project. They have also felt confident in working in teamwork and using ICT tools to overpass the challenges and to achieve/accomplish the tasks. They have overpassed the challenges due to the teamwork. They have also declared they have had the same chances to participate in the project.
As for the teachers, they feel they have enhanced their professional development while sharing knowledge and working collaboratively. Teamwork benefits have increased as the project kept going on since we produce more materials together. These materials are common tasks for students in Twinspace. Apart from these tasks, each school works on the topics with different subjects and teachers.
- C4 assessment - Leonardo the Visionary (IT_Perugia - October 2019)
Mobility assessment for students
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
Mobility assessment for teachers
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for teachers

Italian students cooperative work assessments
evaluation STEAMlikeLeonardo.pdf
evaluation BINDA_programmazione_Italiano_1CL_2020_21_BINDA.pdf
GNU activity assessments
C5 assessment - Leonardo the inventor (BE_Aalst - March 2020)
Mobility assessment for students
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
Mobility assessment for teachers
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for teachers
VIRTUAL - C6 assessment - Leonardo the Scientist and the Mathematician (PO_golub-dobrzyń - May 2021)
Mobility assessment for students
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for students
Mobility assessment for teachers
Answers: Answers_Mobility assessment for teachers
GLOBAL project assessment