I.I.S. C. E. Gadda

  • I.I.S. C. E. Gadda is a secondary school, north of Milan; it is the only High School in the area. There
    are 132 teachers, 27 members as technicians, secretaries and genitors and, finally yet importantly,
    1.230 students attending the four courses offered:two university oriented courses Liceo Linguistico,
    Liceo Scientifico and two technical courses Administration, Finance and Marketing, Graphic and
    Communication. Liceo Linguistico is a multilingual course specific for modern foreign languages;
    English is the first language, then students choose other two languages among French, German and
    Spanish.This course curriculum includes History of the Arts, as well as scientific subjects. Liceo
    Scientifico gives a strong preparation in Maths, other STEM subjects and Latin. The technical
    courses cover their specific areas. Anyway, despite belonging to different courses, students and
    teachers are used to cooperating according to their competences and skills, life skills included. Since
    2003, within the Italian vocational training frame, our school has cooperated with Lombardy Art
    Institute, Resistance Archive, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana and our students have been involved in the
    preservation and cataloguing of ancient documents and sites in order to make them known to a
    foreign audience too. Moreover, we have joined projects with F.A.I. and Dome Museum in Milan.
    Recently, we have been included in a Milano Bicocca University project called The Last Supper,
    Past, Present and Future. The project deals with the preservation of the famous fresco.