Paderno Dugnano - Martina Baseggio, Daniel Kašička, Jiří Košťál

  • Job Shadowing

    School Business Management :  its it is organised, different roles, how these roles interact, the relation and communication with the Ministery of Education and the other members of the school staff, money management and  the board ( Consiglio d'Istituto) in charge of it.
    School Didatic Management : the Headmaster, the role inside a school, other important didatic boards  ( Collegio Docenti, Consiglio di Classe). 
    How our school is organised ( 4 courses ). The most import document of a school P.T.O.F. ( it identifies a school,  defines final goals, the most important didatic areas the school focuses on,  plans activities, fixes future developments). The R.A.V.  the self-assessment board  (It analyses the results, the evaluations of the students in the school, comparing everything with the national and regional average in order to identify and solve problems, to identify and guide  trends. Scuola in Chiaro  an application of the Italian Minestry of education that allows parents to compare schools.
    Internationalization Foreign Language Department: Methodology, students with special needs, common final tests to compare classes, books, updating courses for teachers,  stages abroad,  foreign certification, ESABAC the french double diploma.
    Other important sections at our school:
    ESABAC double French and Italian diploma
    C.L.I.L. Contents and Language Integrated Learning
    A.S.L. ( alternanza scuola lavoro) combination of school and work activities (compulsory at every level of the Italian High school system). 
    Well Being and Safety at School (to prevent bullying, to promote and favour a heathy style of life etc.). 
    Support to Didactic procedures, G.L.I. the system of procedures to promote fair  and remedial educational opportunities at school and the school board which promotes and favour inclusion.
    Teachers' Updating System: modalities and  hours our teaching staff has to attend, compulsorily, to update their teaching approaches and strategies