Collecting herbs and plants


    Collecting herbs and plants.pdf


    Identifying and filming the plants and herbs.

    Collecting and pressing the plants is old school. Tuira school pupils did a digital herbarium.


    Each pupil put their name tag on a plant or herb that they had to identify and study. Their name tag was in the picture to proof that pupils had took the photo by them self.


    At school pupils made slides for their herbarium. Slides had to have some key information considering the plant: name of the plant, date of photoing, place of growth, size or height and time of flowering.

    In Finland identifying plants is part of the curriculum. It's quite typical that pupils do this kind of digital herbarium.

    Our pupils were collecting leaves of typical herbs and trees that grow nearby our school. We decided to make a herbarium to show what we've collected. The herbarium was also used as an art project. The pupils had a lot of fun, learned more about the plants in our neighbourhood and spent some time in fresh air, which is important  for our well-being.
