Marathon through Europe

  • In the challenge of Marathon, pupils collect kilometers by moving different ways. Moving can be walking, running or skiing. The goal is to collect kilometers by moving from Oulu to Corvo and after that from there to other Erasmus schools. For example, pupils from Tuiran koulu skied on two school days.

    The aim of the Marathon project is to increase the daily movement of students and to increase the joy of movement.

    Marathon will last eight weeks from week 9 to week 16.


    Aim: Travel from Oulu to Corvo (4500 km)

    In the map of Marathon, one circle means 100 km.


    Week 9 and 10

    Finland 971 km + Portugal 675 km = 1646 km

    Way to go 2854 km


    Week 11 and 12

    Finland 937 km + Austria 141 km + Portugal 876 km = 1954 km

    Way to go 900 km

    Week 13 and 14

    Finland 1248 km + Austria 527 km + Portugal 1191 km = 2966 km

    The first aim comleted!


    Second aim: Travel from Corvo to Vienna (2900 km)

    After week 14 way to go 834 km

    After week 14 Croatia had total of 20 282 km. That means going around project schools two times and 400km on third round.

    Week 15 and 16

    Finland 912 km

    Croatia 5162 km