IES Azcona's further development of the project

  • Here is a list of the project's follow-up outcomes and indicators of impact:

    IES Azcona

    1. Implementation of a curricular subject called "Aprendizaje Social y Emocional" ("Social and Emotional Learning") for 4º ESO students (Year 11).

    This will be a new optional subject as of school year 2021-2022. In a conversation on 03/09/2021, IES Azcona's Headmaster informs the project coordinator that the subject has been selected by a numerous group of students, making it viable as part of the school programme for 4º ESO. He adds that Project SWOT Scouts has had a positive impact on the students and has played an important role on their decision to take up this new course about Social and Emotional Learning, instead of other well-known and well-liked subjects.

    2. Inclusion of Project SWOT Scouts' objectives and activities in IES Azcona's Erasmus Accreditation 2021-2027 Plan.

    Project SWOT Scouts will be part of our new Erasmus Accreditation by being in charge of implementing and achieving Objective 5 of the project. 

    PDF of the approved Erasmus Accreditation (Spanish): 

    formulario acreditación Erasmus aceptado.pdf

    Objective #5 of the application (Spanish):

    Screenshot of the document "Granting of Erasmus Accreditation in the field of School Education" where Objective #5 appears as selected: 

    PDF of the Resolution Granting Erasmus Accreditation in the field of School Education (Spanish): 



    3. Extended partnership with IISS Ettore Majorana to carry out two mobilities of students during schoolyear 2021-2022.


    Both IES Azcona and IISS Ettore Majorana have applied for new mobilities within the Erasmus Accreditation. As a result, two mobilities are due to take place during schoolyear 2021-2022 to continue with SWOT Scouts activities, with the purpose of using our final products and project activities with new group of students.


    4. New partnership with Paul Löbe Schule, Berlin, Germany. Starting schoolyear 2021-2022.


    This new partnership will start as an eTwinning project. The joint idea is to put the students in contact already in the 1st year of Secondary Education to eliminate fears and barriers and thus be able to make the exchange of students in 2nd or 3rd year as part of the Erasmus Accreditation Pogramme. 

    Both partner schools are interested in the coexistence and personal growth of the students, who will have access to other types of life and education. In the German school, they have Spanish as a second language, starting with this language in their first year of Secondary Education. The common language of communication of the new partnership will be English.

    The Erasmus Accreditation coordinator and collaborators have offered the German coordinator technical assistance and support in case they decide to apply for an Erasmus Accreditation within the next call.