• On this page you will find several games you can play to help you fix emotional vocabulary.

    1. Match the pictures with the basic emotions.

    Easy, isn't it? Try this other game!

    2. Emotional vocabulary hangman.

    3. Expand your emotional vocabulary.

    Read through the Emotion Thermometer and find the most suitable word to answer the questions.

    1. How do you feel today?

    2. How do you feel when you achieve something difficult?

    3.  How do you feel when somebody lies to you?

    4. How do you feel when you have a lot of work to do?

    5. How would you feel if your parents told you they were getting divorced?

    6. How would you feel if you discovered that your boyfriend/girlfriend was cheating on you?

    7. How would you feel if the news said there are no wars whatsoever running in the world?

    8. What do you usually do to go from an extreme emotional reaction that may make you feel bad to a more normal one? How can you control upsetting emotions like rage, fear or anxiety?


