External PUBLICATIONS of the project

  • A Collaborative Story About Inclusion

    Northampton High School joined in with NSSM by telling us about a fascinating e-twinning project they were part of involving pupils from six European countries who joined together to write a collaborative story about inclusion.  Languages teacher Alicia Diez, describes the project –


    * It is with great honour that we can say....

    We have been published at our NHS school magazine!

    Please have a look at the link to the PDF file and look at our fantastic mention,

    Well done!!


    * We have made it to the British Council National NEWS LETTER!



    * There was an article in a French local newspaper about the eTwinning project we ran last year + our present project "Don't Judge a Person by a Face" which aknowledges the school and students' dedication to collaborative work and international openness! That's fantastic :))) !

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    Dear partners, we're very proud and honoured to announce you that our school Osnovna šola Litija in Slovenia has been also awarded the eTwinning School Label:
    Dear Nena Mandelj
    Congratulations on the success of your school obtaining the award of the eTwinning School Label 2018- 2019. It is a great achievement by all the eTwinning team in your school and an example to all schools in the eTwinning Community.
    The official announcement will be made on the eTwinning.net Portal this week. There will be an special press release about the award at European level and the news will also be on the Erasmus + Facebook page.  
    The eTwinning School Label (here attached) may be used by you on your website, your profile, publications etc. 
    Around the same time a special pack will come to your school with some special items in it for both teachers and pupils. 
    Once again congratulations as the first set schools to receive this new award, a wonderful achievement

    The eTwinning Team


    * Dear partners, we're very proud and honoured to announce you that our school Collège Louisa Paulin in France has just been awarded the eTwinning School Label!!!!!!


    Hello! Here the Spanish teacher talking about the project for the NACE Awards:



    Don´t judge a person by a face from J. Daniel Garcia on Vimeo.


    We can proudly say that we have been published on the newsletter from the school!