W - Greece

  • Letter W

    Little Being picked up the three sticks and put them in his pocket. Without thinking, he stepped through the door. He found himself on a winding road surrounded by breathtaking scenery. To his left there was the crystal clear sea, whilst to his right stretched a wonderful olive green wood.

    Squinting his eyes, he spotted a little girl in the distance. She was sitting on the white sandy beach, gazing at the blue sea. Little Being came close to the girl.

    “Excuse me, what is this place?”  he asked in a gentle voice. 

    “Hi!” replied the girl who was enjoying a slice of a mouthwatering red and green fruit. She split her fruit into two and offered Little Being some.

    “Here!” she said “Have some watermelon. But be careful with the seeds! If you swallow them, they might get stuck in your throat.”

    Little Being sat beside her and offered her a wide toothy smile. Thirsty as he was, for he had neither drunk nor eaten anything since his visit to the Thai restaurant in the Land of T, he willingly accepted the treat. The watermelon tasted juicy and cool and Little Being felt refreshed. They both shared a lot of laughter spitting the watermelon seeds as far as they could and they also shared some quiet moments gazing at the blue sea.

    Little Being broke the silence.

    “Thanks for giving me half your fruit” he said.

    “I like to share my things” replied the girl. “Sharing is fun”

    Little Being had never thought that sharing was fun. Looking back on his past, he remembered how kind the people in España had been to him. Yes. He had experienced the joy of sharing before but now it was all clearer to him.

    All of a sudden, the earth started to quake, the sea became rough and a giant wave splashed on the girl and on Little Being.  A  massive whale emerged out of the water.

    “I can hear you’re having a whale of a time!” the whale said.

    “Hello, Wise Whale” the girl replied.

    The whale came closer to Little Being and she gave him a white shell. “Welcome to Wonderland!” she said in a soft kind voice. “This is my gift for you. Use it wisely!”

    Little Being took the shell in his hand. On the shell he read the word “Wishes”. He held it tight on his chest. He felt really lucky!

    “I really like being here. I don’t feel …different” said Little Being.

    “Different? You’re in Wonderland. Here everyone is different. In their own special way” said the girl in a kind, friendly voice.

    Exhausted as he was, Little Being remembered all the adventures he had had and he also remembered that he had a treasure to find. He remembered all the feelings he had experienced and friends he had made, until he fell into a deep sleep.

    “Wake up! Hurry!” Little Being felt someone shaking him.  He opened his eyes. He was in the middle of nowhere. Or was he in the wood he had seen when he first came to Wonderland? He saw a big being craning over him. First, it looked blurred. Then he could see her clearer.

    “Who are you, big being? Don’t tell me you are Big Being?” asked Little Being in surprise.

    “I actually have a name. My name is Boo. I may look frightening and my name might seem scary but I’m nice and friendly and kind” the big being replied.

    “Would you be willing to help me in the Waffle War? Checked-Hat Wizard has waged war against Star-Studded Wonder Woman. He wants all the waffles for himself. Square, round, heart-shaped, club-shaped, diamond-shaped, spade-shaped, star-shaped…the lot. He wants all the shapes and flavours for himself.”

    Little Being followed Boo deep into the wood. After a while, the two of them reached their destination. On the one side there was Checked-Hat Wizard with a huge box next to him. All the waffles were inside it. On the other side, Wonder Woman was holding his magic wand.

    “Give it back!” the wizard demanded.

    “Not until you give us the Waffles” she replied.

    Little Being took a step closer and spoke.

    “Why don’t you share the waffles?” he suggested.

    “And who are you to speak? You are not one of us, nor is she! I’m not sharing my waffles with any weird stranger!” Checked-Hat Wizard replied angrily.

    “You can’t open the box with the waffles without your magic wand. So, you’re not going to have them unless you learn how to share” Star-Studded Wonder Woman warned him.

    “Well, I would share the waffles but they’re not enough” Checked-Hat Wizard explained in a somehow kinder tone of voice.

    Little Being remembered the shell the whale had given him before. He took it out of the bag and held it tightly.

    “I wish there were waffles for everyone in every shape and flavour!” he wished.

    The box opened and all sorts of waffles started popping out.

    “Whoopee!” Everybody cheered and ran towards the box.

    You might worry now about whether they would start fighting for the waffles all over again. Don’t worry, dear children! Nothing like that happened. Checked-Hat Wizard and Wonder Woman willingly agreed to strike a win-win deal by sharing the waffles – which was absolutely wonderful! A true wonder indeed.

    That is how the Waffle War came to its end. Little Being had never felt so complete before.

    “Wake up! Hurry!” A voice was heard.

    Little Being felt someone shaking him.  He opened his eyes.

    “Come! Follow me!” The voice was heard again.

     He opened his eyes and he was still on the beach. He stood up and caught sight of the girl running towards the wood.

    “Wait!” he called to her.  “Weird yet wondrous things happen in Wonderland! I thought I had woken up already!” he thought.

    Little Being ran after the girl across the very wide beach, the winding road and the wheat field. Fortunately, he was just in time to see her pop down a large hole under a hedge. He dipped suddenly down, and fell and fell …