GeoGebra beyond the curriculum

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    Here we start collecting and listing ideas for motivating activities e.g.  for lessons in which another teacher has to be replaced or for afternoon clubs or .... These materials can be used beyound  the curriculum and beyond topics that are taught actually in maths, art, technology, computer science  or other subjects.

    The following examples are related to seasons or actual dates and events. Most of these ideas have been just tried out by partners in this project.

    We would like to encourage all to find from time to time an extra hour to do some motivating stuff with GeoGebra - perhaps at home, too.


    Activities that had been just realised (in the light of recent events): 

    • Model, simulation of real life -> see pages with a lot of ideas (DE,  CZ, FR, LV, RO, SP, Canary Islands)
    • Collection of leaves of tree with the use of Bezier tool 

    construction by Fynn (GER)

    • Caleidoscopes (GER)
    • Essay Maths through Arts (RO&GER) - Work presented at the International Contest "Symbols in the Universe of Knowledge" - May 2018, appreciated with Honorable Mention.

    ​More ideas:

    ​GeoGebra 3D? 

    We will think about using GeoGebra 3D (or Desmos) and its impact to math, art, technology - next schoolyear.