Interview with an author

  • Students have jointly compiled a set of interview questions which were used by all partners for interviewing a contemporary author:

         Interview questions for a contemporary author:

      QuQuestions about the past

    When and why did you start writing?

    How did you feel seeing your first book being published?

    Did you want to be a writer when you were young?

    Did you like reading as a teenager?



    How do you get the inspiration?

    Could you talk about your daily routine when you are deeply inspired?


      Role model, favourite writers

    Who is your favourite author / role model? Do you prefer classical or contemporary literature?


       Writing process: time, place, themes


    How do you write – planned - every day or spontaneously -when you get inspired? Why?

    Do you develop the content while writing or do you decide on the end when you start writing a book?

    Do you have a special place or time for writing? How long does it take to complete a piece of literature?

    What are the main themes in your books / poems?

    Is there anything biographical in your writing?

    Have you ever had a writer’s block? How did you overcome it?


    Life as a writer, advice


    Is writing a hobby or a way of living for you? Is it possible to make a living just by publishing books?

    Do you like advice? Why? If yes , what advice would you give to a young writer?

    What do you think the most important qualities of a good writer are?


     Plans for the future


    What are your plans for the future? What will your next work deal with?



     Is reading important to improve writer’s success?

    What is your opinion about ebooks?

    How do you feel about  reading critics and reviews ?


    All project teams have conducted their interviews and reported their findings in the form of presentations and films: