Episode completed by Czech team

  • A typical evening in Kostas´ family.

    FATHER (is coming home, drunk, shouting ironically):

          Good morning my lovely family! How have you been without me? Have you missed me?

    MOTHER (is preparing some food, quietly saying):

          Again drunk.

    KOSTAS (is quiet and tries to concentrate on a textbook)

    FATHER (shouting angrily):

         Where is my beer? Can you hear? Where is my beer?


         What do you think? You´ve drunk  all of them! Why do you drink so much? You should look for a job instead.


         Shut up!  How dare you! I can drink when I want and how much I want!

         Look for a job!! I AM looking for a job but it isn´t as easy as you think!

         (is coming closer to the mother, breathing into her face and suddenly hits her into her face, the mother falls down and starts crying)


         Don´t touch her! Stop beating my mum! (is trying to help his mother get up and to protect her from the father)

    FATHER (ironically):

         Wow, our hero, our student!!! Why do you study? Do you think that it is necessary these days? Nobody wants you, there are no jobs, do you understand?  You should quit the school and look for a regular job. I won´t support  you any more!


        You aren´t  supporting me, you are on the dole!

    FATHER (slaps Kostas across his face):

       Don´t be cheeky, I AM on the dole, but what shall I do ? What would you do in my shoes?  That´s the European Union!  Politicians! Education, universities and what have they done? We can´t live decent lives! Immigrants are everywhere and they are taking our jobs!!! How does it come?

       (angrily)  I´m hungry!!! Where is the food?

    MOTHER (quietly but rebelliously):

           It ´s on the stove.


          Again beans? You can´t figure up anything better? A stupid woman!

    KOSTAS (quietly but decisively)

         Don´t cry, mum. Let´s go out, he will calm down. You´ll see,

    (they are leaving the room )