Ouestionnaire about relationship between daughters and mothers

  • Hi, girls! Here we can post results of questionnaire.

    Peggy Keke (GR)

    You’ve always been close to your mother

    You seem to have always had a good relationship with your mother and you are happy to be in her company. On the contrary, you like to talk with her, go out and about with her and even imagine spending holidays together from time to time. When you are in need of advice and help to sort out a problem, your mother is often your first choice. You find in her numerous qualities and over and above any eventual conflict between you, she is for you a positive role model. It appears that she has been able to transmit powerful values on to you, such as respect, tolerance and love. It’s possible that there are occasional spats between you, but both of you speak your minds while listening to the other’s point of view. Instead of distancing you, these quarrels have allowed you to affirm your differences and to assert yourself. In this way you have been able to build your own life as a women with complete freedom, without the fear of not being loved or appreciated by your mother.


    Alexandra Gaitanarou  

    (It seems that I, like Peggy, have the same relationship with my mother. There must be certain types that the test cocludes to)

    You’ve always been close to your mother

    You seem to have always had a good relationship with your mother and you are happy to be in her company. On the contrary, you like to talk with her, go out and about with her and even imagine spending holidays together from time to time. When you are in need of advice and help to sort out a problem, your mother is often your first choice. You find in her numerous qualities and over and above any eventual conflict between you, she is for you a positive role model. It appears that she has been able to transmit powerful values on to you, such as respect, tolerance and love. It’s possible that there are occasional spats between you, but both of you speak your minds while listening to the other’s point of view. Instead of distancing you, these quarrels have allowed you to affirm your differences and to assert yourself. In this way you have been able to build your own life as a women with complete freedom, without the fear of not being loved or appreciated by your mother.



    We are participating Greek girl pupils. Because the results of the two previous girls were the same, we dicided to make an experiment. It seems that the usal thing is to have loving and caring mothers. Definitely there is the opposite case too. So we decided to give the answers that didn't suit us at all. Just to see the result and commend it. Unfortunately this kind of relationship sometimes exists. We hope it's the exception to the rule, but it exists. It’s very disagreeable when there is such  a bad relationship between mothers and daughters. We don't always agree with them in everything as we are different characters, live in different times, have different experiences. But a really bad relationship with the woman that gave birth to you, it's really a misfortune and disaster. Our opinion is that there should be a  strong bond between a mother and a daughter, one respecting the other, as one could be supportive and comforting the other and go through difficult situations in a more easy way. Definitely, apart from loving and caring mothers there those who neglect their daughters because they have a preference to their boys too.  Of course there are mothers that abandon their children and those women should have never given birth to a child. We feel happy that we have our mothers, who may sometimes seem to be a little restrictive but after some negotiation we come to a disarable result and both parts are somehow pleased. Here is the result of the experiment:

    " You're angry with your mother"

    Your answers seem to indicate that your relationships with your mother are pretty stormy. You are even capable of hanging up on her when she annoys you enough. You think that you differences are too many. It would be interesting to figure out it is in her that makes you react so violently. If it’s her endless advice that bugs you, try and find out what emotions this advice brings out it you. Do you get the feeling that she still considers you as a little girl, incapable of making your own decisions? If so, think about it: is this a new situation? Without doubt no. It could be that your mother has always had the habit of taking decisions for you without taking your wishes into consideration. In the long term, having a multitude of opinions, all ‘better than your own,’ has given you a lower image of yourself, which you are now fighting. Also worth reflecting upon, your anger could maybe come from an over satisfaction of your desires. If your mother always tried to meet all your wants and whims, you could still be feeling a certain dependence. In both cases, you are trying to get away from a stifling maternal force.

    INARA (LV)

    Thank you girls for this interesting idea. There is a lot of truth in this,We are part of your mother Nature where most of thinsg are based on oposites. Also  human relationships.Even if our relationship with someone seems perfect, there might be some drawbacks.

    KARĪNA (lLV)

    You're protective of your mother.. Oh, I have to think about this!