
  • Watch the following video to answer the following question-

    'was Jesse James, a hero or an outlaw?' 



  • Was Jesse James a hero or an oulaw? Why did he become a myth?

    Jesse James

    He wasnt a Hero. He wanted to gain money and fame. People thought him to be RobinHood. He was driven by revenge.

    Jesse was not a hero

    He wasn't a hero he wanted to gain money and fame. He was driven by revenge. Other people considered him "Robin Hood". He was mercyles; protected by the police
    Angelika Anastazja ( PL)

    Jesse James was an outlaw

    He wasn’t a hero because his actions didn’t guided by honor and virtue. He was a violent outlaw and cruel killer. His criminal and violent actions were motivated by resentment and a desire of revenge.
    Sara and Veronika (Cro)

    Jesse James

    He wasn't a hero but rather an outlaw. He wanted money and fame.He was nicknamed "Robin Hood". But he was a cruel and violent killer. All hus actions were revenge.
    Camille Vanlaeys (Fr)

    Jesse James

    In the states of Missouri the civil war started and Jesse James aged of 16 years old join the bushwackers. These groups was kwon about his violences but they have the support of the part of local population who saw them like as heroes. After these guerrilla the bushwackers continu to figth against the invaders. After the death of the leaders Jesse James was forced to swear loyality to the union and to lower his weapons. The Jame's brother robbed severall smalll banks so they become outlaw.
    Valentin MARTIn (FR) 1/2

    Jesse James

    The crimes who populazied Jesse James was the killing of Samuel Cox who have killed the bushwacker's leader. The story of Jesse James robbery and revenge was popularized by Jonh Newman an editor of a Kansas Cities and advocate of the confederate cause. He was saw as an heroes like Robin Hood for the West of America but is action was not guided by honor but by the resentement and a desire for revenge he was a cold-blooded killer.
    Valentin MARTIN (FR) 2/2

    Jesse James

    He was a violent outlaw and cruel killer but also a hero fighting an oppressive system. He was forced to swear loyality to the union and to lower his weapons and he was opposed the current order and decided to become outlaw.But a part of southern population who often saw him as heroe and believed that Jesse James was some kind of hero , he was also hailed as a wild west robin hood.But Jesse James was no hero , his actions were not guided by honor or vitue.
    Lopes Clara(fr)
    Fontenier Albane(fr)

    Jessy James

    Jessy James is an outlaw because of his actions especially for his committed murders. He opposes order and does not set against society, which makes him an outlaw. There is still a part of the population who saw him not like that but rather as a Robin Hood, a hero. It's still an outlaw. Camille SEGAULT (Fr)