2.1.The Westward expansion

  • 1) Watch the following video.

    2) Read what the other students have written on it in week 2 .

    3) Write down a lesson at the end of this page, below 'the expansion of the west' by clocking on 'adding items.'

    Your lesson will be between 100 and 150 words. 

    Answer the following questions, 'What?', 'Who?', 'What?', 'Where'? 'When?', 'Why?' and 'How?'. You may add other information that is relevant to you. 

  • The Westward expansion.

    By who the West was colonized ?

    a) by Europeans
    b) by Chinese and Mexican migrants
    c) by Americans and French


    The Westward expansion lesson

    The video presents several aspects of the expansion of the western territories. Fir everyone by allowing anyone to have what they need in terms of agriculture and livestock. Indeed, the civil war offered the opportunity to enrich its territory. Blacks Native Americans living in this territory to the west were disturbed from their lands and deprived of their culture. The Whites Americans killed their buffaloes because they considered these animals too harmful. Thus deprived of their food and their tradition, the Amerindians began to pray to the gods for the whites to disappear and the buffaloes to return. Enslaved, Native American blacks were forced to build contemporary farms and railroads. It brings an agricultural surplus but it was blocked by the civil war.

    Group from G to Z and Jade PG6

    Wild West

    What I found out from the film?
    In Fredrick Jackson's opinion the key features of American culture are: individualism, political democracy, economic mobility.
    Native Americans' kids were sent to boarding schools where they learnt how to stop being Indians.
    Immigrants were killing Indians and they were taking away their land.
    There were many Native Americans' chiefs.

    Expansion of the United states

    time: from late 18th to the mid 19th centuries

    -faster travel to the West by railroad
    -gold rush and mining opportunities
    -the opportunity to be a "cowboy"
    -the opportunity of owning a land cheaply
    -the discovery of wheat strains adapted to grow in the climate of the Plains

    -debates about the slavery in the West, which led to civil war
    -the land of the US was dubled
    -incrase of goods, services and wealth
    -very negative effects on the Native Americans:
    →they were forced to live on reservations.
    →rapid population decline of buffalo.
    →the conflict between Native Americans and Whites claimed many lifes

    How many “good specimens” the institute had trouble finding ?

    - 30
    - 23
    - 25

    How many bison were there in the United States in 1800 ?
    - 25 millions
    - 30 millions
    - 40 millions
    Groupe H à Z

    How many bison were there in the United States in 1800 ?

    - 30 millions
    - 25 millions
    - 40 millions
