2.2.The Civil war

  • 1) Watch and read the following videos adn texts. 

    2) Read what the other students have written on it in week 2 .

    3) In groups, write down a lesson at the end of this page, below the page 'Lesson on the Civil War' by clicking on 'add items'. 

    Your lesson will be between 100 and 150 words. Answer the hollowing questions, 'What?', 'Who?', 'Where?', 'When?', 'How?' and 'Why?'. You may also add information that is relevant to you. 

    the civil war p 18.pdf

    the civil war p 19.pdf

    the civil war p 20.pdf


  • Lesson on the civil war.

    Your lesson

    Your lesson the history of cinema.
    1)Write a short lesson on the history of cinema below (who? what? where? when? what? why? how) of about 100 words minimum and 150 words maximum using the information summed up (see "week 2") on this video.

    2) Click on 'create a discussion' to add your lesson which can also be a video montage that you will create.
    You can do it in groups and add your names at the end of your lessons.


    Is about the civil war in america. The coutry was divise in two part at the North there are an industrial society and in the South there are farm and slaves who lives with agriculture . The big question in 1850 was "What to do about land in the West". For the North it's a free state who become a slave's states. In 1854 the west become an republican territory. In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president and in december 1860 the union was disolved and in febuary 1861 was form confidarated states of America. After that the wars began in the Coast between the north and the south of America.
    Valentin.M, Audric.S, Saifane.H, Charlyne.C, Camille.V, Maxime.P, Willyam.V, Stéphane.L, Martin.F.

    The Civil War

    The Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865 primarily in the East.The country was divised in two parts, industrial society at the North and farms in the South. What happend to lands in the West? They became a republician territory. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860. In December 1860 the Union was disolved and in February 1861 was form Confidarated states of America. South Carolina was first country to secede. Other six country followed South Carolina. South Carolina attacked the Union. After that the war actually began.
    Ana Vuković, Patricija Orban, Zvjezdana Saveljić, Lucija Vidak and Veronika Pastrećka (Cro)