3.1.Birth of cinema.

  • 1) Watch the following video.

    2) Read what the other students have written on it in week 2 .

    3) In groups, write a lesson at the end of this page by clicking on 'add items'. Add your names at the end of it and answer the following questions: 'What?', 'Who?', 'Where?', 'When?', 'Why?' and 'How?'. You may also add other information if you think they are relevant.

  • Lesson on the history of cinema.

    The Birth of cinematography

    The invention of modern cinematography is there because two brothers in France became inspired of Edison and Dikson’s kinetograph and kinetoscope. They made the cinematograph that could project films on a wall or a screen.

    The Lumière brothers were born in the 1860s, they obtained international patents because off all their technologies, and worked independently throughout Europe and the USA
    They saw flaws in Edison's motion capture devices, it was not comfortable due to its mobility and the number of people on it. The Lumière brothers developed a new mechanism.

    In 1897, a German perfected this mechanism, called the Maltese Cross. It could develop the film that the camera shot. But the longer film strips were stuck inside the projector.

    They found a different way of putting film into a projector, this helped protect the film from vibration and stress. After, the Lumière brothers retired from cinema in 1905.

    The birth of cinema

    The development of modern film technology was created by Edison and Dickson who invented the kinetograph and kinetoscope.
    The Lumieres brothers, born in the 1860’s, were inspired by Edison to create a cinematographic device in Lyon that made films and found a camera mechanism to read a roll of film and project it to show pictures. They wanted to call it « cinematograph » which means writing with movement and obtained international patents.
    So the first projection took place on december 28, 1895 in the Salon of the Grand Café. There were many versions of the devices such as the magic lantern which were used for education, entertainment and différent cinematographic devices such as the bioskop and telegraph.
    In 1895, Edison bought the projection design from Jenkins and Amat which was to be called the « Edison Vitoscope » and it was in 1905 that the Lumiere brothers left the cinema.

    Birth of cinema

    The Lumiere Brothers were inspired of Edison's and Dickson's kinetograph and kinetoscope. They made the cinematograph that could project films on a wall or a screen. They wanted to call their invetion "cinématographe". In Paris, on December 28th, 1895 at the Salon Indien was first projection. The Lumiere Brothers screened a series of ten shorts films and changed the world forever.
    Sara Bosilj, Ivona Babić and Natali Budoš (Cro)