• Duurzaamheid.pptx

    Designlamp projectdag.pptx

    lesbrief designlamp.docx


    During the projectmeeting in the Netherlands we created for the lessonplan 'Upcycling Designlamp' a format with ict&alt.

    The goals:


    By the end of the lesson the students will:

    0. understand the importance of recycling and upcycling

    0. know how to reuse the rubbish.


    The lesson introduction

    0. Brain storming using Mentimeter or AnswerGarden

    • How do you rate your knowledge on recycling and upcycling?
    • What is recycling?
    • What is upcycling?

    0. The task with the QR codes with the links of the videos showing the problem of wastes/rubbish, recycling and upcycling.

    0. A short discussion after the videos on the students feelings, and problems with wastes materials, reusing such materials.

    0. Bring the different kinds of rubbish and wastes to the classroom and ask them what can be done with them.

    0. Suggest them to create their own lamps using the rubbish and wastes working in groups.

    The lesson plan is included.



    Ask your students to answer the questions giving them a survey (google forms or microsoft forms) with the following questions:

    • What kinds of problems did you have during your work?
    • Why do you think it is useful to recycle/upcycle?
    • How do you rate your the cooperation of your team-mates?(1.....6)
    • How do you rate your knowledge on recycling/upcycling? (1.....6)
    • Did you have fun during your work?