Bingo game made by the Netherlands visit to Turkey

  • Bingo Netherlands 32 questions


    1. How many provinces has the Netherlands? (12)

    2. What is the capital of the Netherlands? (Amsterdam)

    3. Where is our government located? (The Hague)

    4. How many inhabitants has the Netherlands in millions? (17)

    5. Who is current the king of the Netherlands (Willem-Alexander)

    6. The Netherlands has a friendly neighbour in thee east, which one? (Germany)

    7. What is the colour in the middle of the Dutch flag (White)

    8. Who is the prime minister in the Netherlands? (Rutte)



    1. Which colony had the Netherlands in Asia? (Indonesia)

    2. From which country got the Netherlands independent in 1648? (Spain)

    3. Were The Netherlands involved in the 1st world war? (No)

    4. In which year the Netherlands became a constitutional monarchy (1848)

    5. In which year Belgium cut loose from the Netherlands? (1830)

    6. The DutchEastCompagny took the monopoly to trade with the east from which country? (Portugal)

    7. Which region was the most profitable fort he Dutch republic in the 17th century? (Baltic sea)

    8. A division from which country tried to liberate Nijmegen in 1944? (Poland)



    1. Which footballclub has won the most titles? (Ajax)

    2. Which footballclub won the cup in 2017? (Vitesse)

    3. Who is the Dutch F1 driver? (Verstappen)

    4. Which colour do most Dutch supporters wear when they cheer for a team? (Orange)

    5. Are the Dutch the best in speedskating? (Yes)

    6. Who is the most famous Dutch sportsman in the world? (Johan Cruijff)

    7. In the European championships 2000, the Netherlands lost in the semi-final from? (Italy)

    8. Which Dutch female football player is the best in the world? (Lieke Martens)



    1. When is Kings day? (27th of April)

    2. At what time most Dutch people have their dinner? (18:00 o’clock)

    3. What is the name of the Dutch national anthem? (het wilhelmus)

    4. From which country is the “Dutch” tulip coming from originally? (Turkey)

    5. Which city is called cheesecity? (Gouda)

    6. What is the main subject when Dutch people are talking with each other? (the weather)

    7. Dutch engineers are hired throughout the world to drain? (land)

    8. Which famous artist painted the nightwatch? (Rembrandt)




    12,Amsterdam,The Hague,17,Willem-Alexander,Germany,White,Rutte,Indonesia,Spain,No,1848,1830,Portugal,Baltic sea,Poland,Ajax,Vitesse,Verstappen,Orange,Yes,Johan Cruijff,Italy,Lieke Martens,27th of April,18:00 o’clock,het wilhelmus,Turkey,Gouda,the weather,land,Rembrandt