Project Meeting in Poland-11-17 June 2017



      11-17 June 2017 the School of General Education in Józefów on the Vistula was honored to host friends from the Erasmus Plus project. They were teachers from the following countries: Turkey, Portugal, Latvia, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. Some time earlier  we had a trip to Portugal, and this time our partners came to visit Poland. Our primary goal is to conduct the lessons using modern information technology. The whole week was filled with a variety of activities:a training course about  assessment, observing and analyzing lesson. Teachers from partner schools had the opportunity to observe open lessons conducted by Polish teachers and to meet with Polish students and tell them about their countries using various means of transmitting information. Generally the following applications were used : Plickers, Kahoot, QR codes. The English Day was very interesting and inspirational- 4-member teams from the junior high school  competed in various competitions checking their level of knowledge. During the meeting teachers were eager to share their experience and knowledge, providing a variety of didactic materials online or recommending applications and their own materials for use with interactive whiteboards. Thanks to this form of cooperation teachers are constantly enriching and improving their work, which undoubtedly affects the quality of school work.
    As hosts we have also tried to show our guests many of the historical monuments of our region and to inform them about the history of the country. We have planned a lot of attractions: visiting Lublin, Kozłówka, Lancut, Krajno and Sandomierz.
    The week has passed very quickly. We will remember the time we spent together for a long time .