•       'You are the picture'         Etwinning Project 2016-2017

                                         Our work plan

    The project is based on the tableau vivant* technique.Students are invited to reenact, dramatize, imitate or even interpret the painting in today’s reality. They will assume the roles of the characters depicted in the painting, take on their face expressions, wear costumes and set the scene of the painting. The frozen living pictures will be photographed and the photos of all partner schools will be uploaded in the Twinspace where they will be shared, commented and become the source of various online cooperative activities such as games, quizzes, competitions, comment exchanges, presentations.

    * ‘Tableau vivant (=living picture) is a representation of a character, scene, incident or a well known painting or sculpture in suitable costumes and attitudes, silent and motionless’. Definition by Oxford English Dictionary.


    Students create their profiles and get involved in comment exchanges.

    GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER. On padlets, students answer the hypothetical question: If I were a painting, which one would I choose? and justify their answers by relating their painting choice to their personality, interests, feelings and lifestyles.

                                                          OCTOBER PROJECTS                                                                                 

    Main page: Each school selects 2 paintings from famous museums, produces 2 photos in black and white and uploads them in Twinspace.

    Subpage: Partner interaction on paintings.Schools work in country pairs and provide information and comments about the painting the partner country assigned for them has reenacted.

                                                        NOVEMBER PROJECTS                                                                              

    Main page: Each school selects 2 paintings either by native painters or from abroad, produces 2 photos in black and white and uploads them in Twinspace.

    Subpage: Quiz: How much do you know about paintings?Students provide answers on a quiz questions related to artists, historical background, art movements of all the paintings presented on the main page.

                                                         DECEMBER PROJECTS                                                                                 

    Main page: Each school selects 2 paintings thematically related to Christmas, produces 2 photos in black and white or colour and uploads them in Twinspace.

    Subpage: Which photo could be your favourite postcard?Students go through the December project page, study all the photos carefully and decide which photo or photos they would like to receive by post as a Christmas card or just as a postcard. On padlets, they justify their answers.

    FORUM: What do you think this project is giving you now and in the future?

                                                   JANUARY PROJECTS                                                          

    Main page: Each school selects 2 paintings either by native painters or from abroad, produces 2 photos in black and white or colour and uploads them in Twinspace.

    Subpage: Titles and votes. Students go through the January Project page, study all the photos carefully and provide titles, getting inspired by the photo and not the painting. Then, they vote for the photos they got mostly impressed, excluding their own.

                                                       FEBRUARY PROJECTS                                                                                   

    Main page: This module is dedicated to portraits. The students of each partner school select 4 portraits, reenact and produce tableau vivant photographs in black and white or colour.


    1.Extra material on portraits. If the class tends to be more productive, they can create presentations to include their extra work on portraits. Students search for background information on the portraits they have chosen. They watch the video ‘500 years of female portraits.

    2. Pop Art. Each school will be introduced to Andy Warhol’s pop art portraits. Students watch a  Museum Educational video: ‘Pop Art for kids and teens’ and their task is: Each class will prepare a collage (one photo) of all class students' portraits in Pop Art style. The students of each class photograph each other or take selfies and then they process/edit the photos in Warhol's style. Besides, in a visual board they provide comments on what they think of pop art.

    3. Pop Art Posters. Students create posters including all partner class photo collages.

                                                                     MARCH PROJECTS                                                                        

    Main page: All participant schools are invited to re-enact/interprete the famous painting 'Liberty leading the people' by Eugene Delacroix. One painting reenacted in many photo versions. A puzzle of the painting is also uploaded on the page.

    Subpages: 1. Live chats.We upload photos taken during the Live Chat Sessions.

    2. Kahoot. A Game thematically related to the painting .

    3.  On a visual board, students provide opinions on what freedom means to them.

                                                              APRIL PROJECTS                                                                                    

    Main page: Collaborative task. The painting 'Meeting of Thirty-Five Heads of Expression' by Daumier is divided in parts. The parts are randomly assigned to partner schools. Each part will be reenacted and the photos will be joined together

    Subpage: Easter time. Students reenact paintings related to Easter.

                                               PROJECT EVALUATION-FAREWELL                                                                     

    Students fill in an Evaluation Questionnaire. On Farewell padlets they say their Goodbyes to their partners and write  one thing that they will miss most from this collaboration.

                                             PROJECT DISSEMINATION-EXHIBITIONS                                                          

    Partner schools organise exhibitions in their schools and present our work to the world.

    Subpage: Exhibition Posters.


    'You are the picture' aims to contribute to the 2017 Etwinning theme of Inclusion in Education through Art.


                                                  Enjoy our project!