Food - Service Learning Activities


    Service Learning planning scheme



    We believe the pandemic has made people less social. We want to arrange for a social gathering in our village; food is always a good idea. 

    6.klasse - WHERE IS BEAUTY - Service Learning planning scheme (1).docx



    We have become aware of the high rate of obesity in our people. After doing some surveys, we have decided to create a healthy website with balanced menus made by students after studying the nutritional components of food.

    Service Learning planning scheme food.docx


    We have classmates with overweight and dental problems , who eat a lot of junk food , that’s why we decided to do one healthy weekly menu .  We focused on home cooked food . Becouse we have a nearby  “Community mental health complex ” we decided to ask our parents to make festive lunch for them with our recipe in the “We will cook for you without fear” campaign. Becouse of covid situation we didn’t get petmission . So we changed the idea to colect packaged products with all students from our school  . Now they can cook our recipes  by themselfs and have lots of fun.Our campaign was broadcasted on National Bulgarian Television. 

    SL- Food.docx


    Because of the proliferation of mobile phones  and computers , students spend most of their times on the internet.While they are on the internet and staying at home they  are gaining  weight. They don’t care about their food  whether it is healthy or not.They don’t have any idea about the vegetables and fruit  and their growing processes ,too.We would like to research and be aware of the processes of plants .By this way,we hope we will have useful search results and have good eating habits.

    Food service learning.pdf




    Portugal is known for it's very rich and diverse cuisine, especially regarding sweets and deserts (as a result of all the products we could access during our sea expansion period).
    Some of the favorite deserts of our students are, in fact, very old and tradicional recipes. So, our students interviewed their mothers and grandmothers and gathered some of the more tradicional dessert recipes to share with you all.

              Traditional Portuguese Deserts - Recipe ebook


    Service Learning Planning


    Recipe ebook (link)





    Because of the very busy life families live in, only a few people have got time

    to prepare proper healthy food .More and more people eat fast food and as a consequence, lots of old recipes are disappearing little by little. 

    We would like to rediscover the old “slow food” in order both to save a cultural heritage and to give students the habit to natural healthy food again. 

    First our 7th garders will interbview old people/ grandmothers in order to learn old recipes. Secondly,  they will cook with them so as to learn themselves.

    Then they will translate recipes into English and finally they will create a

    webpage where they will publish recipes avery week. This webpage can be consulted by families and the alll community.


    Service learning planning scheme .pdf



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