• TURKEY - IZMIR - MARCH 7/11 

    DECISION TAKEN FOR THE INTERMEETING PERIOD - Coordinator meeting 10.03.22


    Put into the Common Drive

    - a picture of the school 

    - the embed code to the presentation of the school and your country 

    - new pictures from the tukish meeting


    During meetings activities

    - NO mobile phones for kids

    - Kids have to perform their presentation- Teachers only introduce them



    Online meeting week 12 v-21/25 of march

    • All schools participates with as many classes as they can manage

    • Each country shows a presentation of Beauty of food in your country: Max 3 minutes at the end of the presentation they presents a question about it and all the participants should write the answer to the question in a Nearpod 

    MARCH - Try to cook the different countries recipes, document them

    MARCH APRIL - Create a common  cooperative famous European recipes book?

    MARCH APRIL - Service learning activities needs to be planned, updated in the TwinSpace asap and implemented within the end of april

    Meeting in Spain

    - Get ready with a 7 minute presentation about best beauty sharing about nature

    - Bring to Spain someting that can be growth by all partners (seeds Plants... from your country)

    . Coordinators dinner

    Dates for Bulgarian meeting 26. - 30. September 2022