People - Service Learning activities

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    Service Learning planning scheme



    Service Learning Project - Sviland Primary School


    Title: Community Christmas Giveaway



    This project aims to help families and children in our community. In particular, we want to help families that cannot afford buying Christmas gifts for their children. We decided to collect gifts (secondhand clothes, board games, teddy bears etc.) from all the students in our school. We received a lot (!) of gifts, probably around 300. The gifts were sorted and wrapped, and handed over to the Salvation Army (Frelsesarmeen). This week, the Salvation Army will give out the gifts we collected to children. We hope that this project will contribute to making Christmas fun and exciting for all the children in our beautiful community, regardless of their family’s social and economic background.

    WHERE IS BEAUTY - Service Learning planning scheme.pdf


    Service Learning Project_presentasjon (1).pdf




    The Service Learning project is aimed at preserving the beauty that exists in women. Due to the reality of existing gender and sexist violence, the student has determined that if we know the beauty that exists in the differences between different genders and we learn to respect and value them, sexist violence will disappear.
    For this, the students have created a short film on gender violence that will be screened at the town's House of Culture and with the proceeds obtained, a donation will be made to the local women's association.



    All the classes in our school have different ideas, connected to Service Learning Activities,

     which they plan and achieve.  

    I A and B grades : open lessons with a theme ‘’Tolerance’’, making boards with ‘’The Golden Rules” and flyers for their initiative: ‘’Gift a smile, make someone happy!’’’

    II grade: they decided to make ‘’Book of goodness’’ in which they describe the help they provide for the community.

    III A grade  creates the Service Learning Activity ‘’Grandchild for a weekend’’-discover and help lonely elderly people in the villages around our city, together with their parents.

    III B grade  organizes a charity campaign to collect clothes , shoes and teaching aids for socially disadvantaged children from PS “Zahari Stoianov ” in city  Lubimec. They send all of the gifts themselves.

    IV grade A and B   organize a charity campaign to collect books and make a “Library” for the school for Deaf and Dumb children in our city Targovishte.

    V B grade   introduces our project “ Where is beauty ” to the community through drawings in the city exhibition.

    VII B grade  Organizes day in school “Show me your real face”.




    The purpose of the Service Learning activity is to get students to see, value and protect the beauty of people.

    There are many old people who feel isolated and alone in the nursing homes in our country, especially during the special days. We would like to visit them every month and organize different activities like a concert, a theater performance, a cinema day etc. for the elderly there. We hope those events that will make them happy and will help the older people feel less isolated and brighten their day.

    This project will be beneficial for both sides; Regular visits and social interaction presents some important health benefits for older people. As students engage in service learning they develop their skills in personal reflection, as well as their self-confidence, sense of civic responsibility and their interpersonal skills.

    This project can help our students become better learners, classmates, and citizens, and can help them make a valuable contribution to their communities. It will help us create new experiences and memories for the future.

    Service Learning planning scheme.pdf


    ABSTRACT: The Service Learning has 3 main goals: 1) to involve students in the community; 2) to help decrease the feelings of isolation/loneliness of older people; 3) to increase students cultural heritage.

    Students will schedule a "Storytelling date" with an older person (from their family or from a local community center). During the date, the older person will tell them a story (either a personal story from his/her past or life) or a local story/myth/history. This will help children understand the challenges older people face nowadays, to value the need for companionship, to increase their knowledge on local cultura heritage, to understande the value of personal time and of sharing with others.

    After the date, they will bring the stories they heard to school. They will be gatthered on a digital Storybook and illustrated by students. 

    After the book is completed, it will be printed and gifted to all the older people who participated on the Service Learning.





    Link to digital book created by students with shred stories


    Link to StoryJumper Book



    ABSTRACT: The aim of the SL activity is to get pupils to see, value and protect the beauty of people. Students will look for people who have made valuable gestures, behaved virtuously towards others, worked for the common goodiglium, in the past or in the present. They will collect news and pictures, write about them (if possible also by interviewing them) and characterise these valuable people in a digital blog. Whenever new stories are published, the pupils will inform their families and members of the municipality through a newsletter which will contain the link to the updated news and stories.
    Posters will also be printed periodically (every 15 days) to spread the BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE stories in public places around the village, even among people far from the school.


    LINK TO THE RESULTS -  The webpage has been spread all over our school community and on our school social media

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