• On December 14th, my colleagues and I visited the Barcelona Design Museum.

    The first thing we did, was a workshop-visit of the "Extraordinary Objects" collection.
    The visit was guided by a monitor who told us interesting facts about each object that we were meeting in our tour.

    There were objects that reflected the social classes of the past, and many of them had truly interesting stories.Like the huge trunks that hid hundreds of drawers and secret compartments that only the owners of the trunks knew.

    After the visit, we did some activities about this visit.

    For the following week, the teachers made us do a work on the collection: Product Design. (Whose collection was on the first floor of the museum).

    The work consisted in that we had to choose an object from the collection and we had to explain what it was, what it was used for, who was the author, when it was invented ... And we also had to show a story where we could see reflected the change that produced that object in society, before and after the appearance of that object.

    I did the job about the sofa, and I represented it showing a family that needed it to rest and be more productive.  I liked this visit and this work because I could learn a lot about history and about how life was before the appearance of some objects that we use today.

    And you? What object do you think has behaved a great change in society?