Primary school Petrijanec, Croatia - Jasminka Belơčak

  • 1. activity:

    100 in fairy tale Sleeping beauty

    Students discovered that Sleeping beauty slept 100 years. They made drawings using Paint and Paint 3D.


    2. activity:
    Inventions in the future in 100 years

    Students developed their imagination and created inventions for future.


    3. activity:

    What will some jobs look like in the future in 100 years?

    Older students creted comics in Canva or MS Word Online.

  • More

    Dissemination activity

    We published information about this project on school webpage.

    Parental consent

    Dear friends, we have parental consent, but because of GDPR we are not allowed to publish documents here. All documents are in school on a safe place. We will act according to approval parents gave us.