Engagement on debate resolutions: Climate change

  • As a result of the debate resolutions that all the partners agreed on, our teams have engaged to find creative solutions about concrete actions to try to save our planet and put them in practice in all partners' countries.

    Let's see them!


    These are the competencesskills and subjects involved in this activity:

    Cultural awareness and expression

    Social and civic competences


    Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

    Foreign languages -  Mother tongue -  Social Studies -  History 
  • What can we do to save our planet?

    "Ma Petite Planète" green competition March-April 2022 by LS St Charles, Réunion Island, France.

    Some teams of 3-5 students or teachers took some everyday challenges for two weeks to reduce climate change and adopt healthier habits on the long term. Check our souvenir video!

    Tobia, Laura Bassi

    To save our planet there are some simple actions that can help. For example, separate waste collection, take garbage from the ground and use less plastic. They are simple but very effective things.


    My advices to resolve the problems about the climate change are reducing the water waste, and using less the car, instead it would better to use public transports.


    My advice to improve the climatic situation is to start using the bike for short distances because I believe that one of the main problems is the smog caused by cars.

    Asia - Laura Bassi

    A way to avoid climate change could be pollute less ,for example with the car, so could be pollute less for example with the car, then try to move by bike or to walk rather than the car

    Samuele, Laura Bassi

    Use less plastic because is the things that pollute more than the others. I think that we should use less plastic and more paper or ricycled item. I also think it is very useful not to deforest half the planet because trees are our only source of life

    Beatrice V. Laura Bassi

    We can save our planet by doing these actions: start using eco-fuel, using less polluting substances and stop using plastic for everything.

    Anna Stefany

    In my opinion to save our planet we can do undifferentiated waste collection, stop using plastic and stop throwing away trash in a sea.


    Here are some advices we should follow to save our planet: it doesn't take much time to do small actions in our everyday life, like don't waste water, don't leave the lights on and try to avoid using cars and instead catch public transport, such as buses and trains.

    Viola-Laura Bassi

    In my opinion, one thing that should be done to help climate change is definitely to make separate collection and also try to reduce travel, for example by using public transport or cycling, rather than the car.


    In order to save the planet and ourself we can do some things which are very important: separate waste collection, turn off the lights every time you exit from a room, use water with awareness, use less the car, use less the internet like videos and social media because not a lot of people know this but the internet pollute much more than cars because all the server that keep internet active 24h/24h per day needs a lot of energy,


    To save our planet we must use less plastic and start recycling more.
    These things with time can save the planet

    Rocelin Distor

    In my opinion, we can help save our planet by doing some of these actions: save energy, for example don't leave the lights on at home; try to reduce the use of plastic and substances that can pollute the environment; recycle as much as possible; and avoid using public transports that can cause pollotion such as cars, trains, airplanes, instead go by bus, bike and walk to work or school.

    Lara T

    Separate collection, reduce plastic as much as possible and
    plant more trees to protect the environment

    Amelia, "Transport-Change"

    When I go to school, or in the centre of my town always take the bus, I only use the car to go in other towns, in other countries or when I have a long trip or a travel for holidays.