Activities: Podcast

  • Hey, partners!

    Our WebRadio is waiting for your podcasts!


    Let's think of a topic on which you might have something to say.

    For example:

    • Experiences and hopes after the pandemic.
    • Let's start again!
    • How to keep our islands connected?
    • How do you envisage mobilities after almost two years of stop?

    Put your idea / topic in a TwinBoard and start organising your speech: we will record it during the mobility in Bologna.


    These are the competencesskills and subjects involved in this activity:

    Communication in foreign languages Cultural awareness and expression Creativity, Decision-taking Foreign languages -  Social Studies -  History - Music


    For those who participate in the virtual mobility, let's record your ideas and opinions in this Flipgrid!

    NB. The topic is moderated, so don't worry if you don't see your video as soon as you post it. It will appear some time after...

  • Let's start creating our Podcasts!

    Experiences and hopes after the pandemic

    Tell us what you think about it

    How to keep our islands connected?

    Tell us what you think about it

    Let's start again!

    Where do you want to start?

    How do you envisage mobilities after almost two years of stop?

    Tell us what you think about it