Engagement on debate resolutions: Raising multicultural awareness

  • As a result of the debate resolutions that all the partners agreed on, our teams have engaged to find creative solutions about concrete actions.


    First of all, work in groups to reflect about what multicultural awareness means.

    Then, try to find our some concrete actions to raise multicultural awareness and put them in practice in all partners' countries.

    Write your ideas in the TwinBoard below.


    These are the competencesskills and subjects involved in this activity:

    Cultural awareness and expression

    Social and civic competences


    Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

    Foreign languages -  Mother tongue -  Social Studies -  History 
  • How to raise multicultural awareness

    Beatrice and Anna

    We can raise multicultural awareness if we do these things: include other people's religions, collaborate with differents cultures and learn a foreign language.

    Beatriz, Amelia and Rocelin

    In our opinion to develop multicultural awareness we could visit some museums and intercultural sites, so we can appreciate more traditions, arts from other countries and, also, at school we work and interact with foreign students to expand our skills and our mentality.

    Samuele, Tobia and Matthew

    In our opinion, we think that to improve multicultural awareness we can do a lot of erasmus project, being less racist and involve people of others cultures. An other thing could be to do an exchange culture for learn the other cultures.

    Clรฉa Asia Viola

    To improve the multiculturalism of the world, one could think of raising awareness of the issue of racism, gender equality and homophobia opening associations and demonstrating to combat these problems.

    Martha, Sofia and Lara

    To raise multicultural awareness we must know languages and integrate the foreigner in our country, include cultures, relics different from our.