DAY 2 - welcome activities.

  • Welcome NoMIte! Please post here what you're gonna remember from this day: testimonials, pictures, videos...


    So glad to collaborate with our Finnish partners!!

    Mobility to La Réunion

    So far my experience here has been just amazing.
    First of all I had never seen anything like this before; natural landscapes are wonderful and the whole atmosphere is relaxed and peaceful.
    I really enjoy this lifestyle, the students are all super kind and I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together.
    I want to stay here foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeerr!!!!!!


    Aurora, Mobility to La Réunion

    I love La Réunion!
    The weather here is wonderful, hot and sunny and all around the city there are colourful trees, flowers and beatiful views.
    My greatest passion is taking photos of the places I go to and so far I've taken at least 500 photos of the school, of the streets, of the sky, and yesterday evening also of the sea and the sunset.

    Thanks Lycée Saint-Charles!

    After a first day where we experienced (and tasted) the creole cuisine, the very first day at school has been impressive!
    A wonderful welcoming by the whole school, a warm speech by the headmaster, a deep sense of belonging to this educational community ...
    Thanks Lycée Saint-Charles, thanks Erasmus, thanks eTwinning! (Elena)

    Mobility to La Réunion

    Yesterday, when we were welcomed at school, I felt really thankful for the joy people showed us.
    I love everybody here, everyone seems to be really nice.
    I like Saint Pierre: its weather, food and lanscapes.
    Here everything's diffrent from Bologna, the first thing I thought when I arrived was "This is another World, I want to stay here forever";


    Day 2 in La Réunion

    Yesterday we arrived at the school and it has been awesome!
    The school looks fantastic (if it was like that even in Italy, I would love to go there!) and when everyone started clapping I really felt like a famous pop star! I love everything here, and for the first time I really love going to school!!!!


    Mobility to La Réunion

    I really like La Réunion atmosphere! Everything is amazing and gives me good vibes.
    I love murales (and taking photos of them), that we saw everywhere since we arrived.
    I enjoyed the live exibition during the Creole dinner too, that's because I love listening to music and discovering new (local) artists.


    Welcoming to our friends,the correspondents !

    It was a pleasure for me to be part of the team that organized this reception which was quite memorable and unique as our island.
    During the welcome ,we all had a good time together even if it wasn't long.We warned all the students of the high school about their arrival to show them how much we are united and that shows why our island is called the Reunion Island.
    This morning,we have made a debate and it shows me that we all have differents ideas that could give birth to other projects !

    I hope you will enjoy your stay on the island !

    Léa <3

    Mobility to La Réunion

    Hi everyone!
    This island is my dreams' place, heaven on Earth.
    Yesterday I took part in the Spanish lesson of Madame Alonso; I loved it, it has been really interesting; I liked the fact that she spoke Spanish even before the beginning of the lesson (when she was looking for the door's key).


    The Welcoming

    I was so excited to finally meet our correspondents. It was so funny to prepare all the activities for their coming like the treasure hunt. We relish meeting our Italian and Portuguese friends, giving them a first look of Reunion island's culture with our tradtional dresses.
    To my mind, all the erasmus'team is glad and takes delight in participating to this project...
    Thus I wish you, our guests a good journey in Reunion island !

    Cécile ;)

    1° Day at school

    On my first day at the school on the Reunion Island we were welcomed by the students at the school and the teachers, there was music and traditional island dancing. I had never seen this kind of thing, it was beautiful and I liked it.
    Joana Silva

    historical reenactment

    Mehrine, Kenjee, Claire, and I (Elodie) presented a historical reconstruction of Reunion Island! Here's the presentation :)

    historical reconstruction

    And here's the text:
    (you must ask for the access and we will accept)

    Hi everyone!

    It was great that we got to see your opening presentations. La Réunion looks like a paradise and has interesting history.
    The Finnish team