Creole Dinner

  • Day 1 - MONDAY, November 29th


    • Welcome to Réunion Island: what’s the time difference with your “island”?
    • Tonight we’re inviting you to a Creole dinner: name the following dishes. Have you ever tasted them?


    PICTURE 1: 



    PICTURE 2: 


    PICTURE 3: 



    Fruits and veg memory game (learning apps):

  • Which one of the above dishes would you like to taste?
    n. 1
    6 votes (75.00%)
    n. 2
    1 vote (12.50%)
    n. 3
    1 vote (12.50%)
  • Answer the questions!

    Creole dinner

    1.) Here in la Réunion we are three hours ahead compared to Italy
    2.) -carri poulet
    -carri zourites
    -saucisse Rougail
    No, we had never tasted them before and they were delicious!

    Hi everyone!

    The time difference is 2 hours so that La Réunion is ahead of us here in Finland. That is why we were not sure when to log online for the coordinators' meetings and the opening and the closing ceremonies.