Working on Debate

  • From the very beginning of the project, the Debate has become one of the most important events before, during and after the mobility.


    1. Students, you have to work hard to prepare the topics, the reflections, the operative clauses...

    You have to work first in national groups and then share your ideas and work in the international teams according to this list.

    2. You have also to collaborate and share ideas to agree on the procedures to adopt for the realization of the different debate sessions.

    3. So, after working together remotely and in presence, you have to agree on some common documents to use during the debate sessions.


    These are the competencesskills and subjects involved in this activity:

    Social and civic competences Decision-taking, Constructive management of feelings Foreign languages -  Social Studies -  History - Geography -  Economics



    1. Plenary Assembly Procedure

    Plenary Assembly procedure.pdf


    2. Introductory and Operative Clauses

    Introductory and operative Clauses.pdf


    Here you are some examples of the process of the whole work:

    IES Gadea - Aldaia

    Liceo Laura Bassi - Bologna


    Escola Gonçalves Zarco - Funchal

    Lycée Don Bosco - Tahiti

    Leppavaaran Lukio - Espoo

  • What do you think about the Debate activities?
    I could share ideas with my partners
    0 votes (0%)
    I could speak up my voice
    0 votes (0%)
    I could reflect on interesting topics
    2 votes (100.00%)
    I found it boring
    0 votes (0%)
    I couldn't express myself
    0 votes (0%)
    I'd prefer other activities
    0 votes (0%)