Virtual Mobility to Bologna

  • While the on-site activities will take place in Bologna with the partners from Madeira and La Réunion, the partners from Espoo and Tahiti (and Aldaia too, if they can/wish!) can access the TwinSpace, where the same activities can be carried out online (simultaneously or at a different time). 

    A good number of other students and teachers from La Réunion and Madeira have participated as well from their school.

    The TwinSpace will also display all the documentation concerning the activities carried out outside the school (excursions, visits etc.).

    Of course some video conferences are organised, which - depending on commitments and time zone differences - allow us to be "united in distance".

    Virtual Mobility to Bologna-programme.pdf


    Let's be "United in the distance"!


    Mobility online!
    Thursday, 14th October · 10:00 – 12:00 CEST

    Friday, 15th October · 10:00 - 13:00 CEST

    Google Meet Link:


    Final event:

    Debate, Kahoot, Music&Voices for NoMI, delivering of certificates, final evaluation ...

    Friday, 22nd October · 09:00 – 13:00 CEST

    Google Meet Link: 


    If you want to see the recordings of the events, go to the following page:

    Onsite-online meetings in Bologna


    Let's work together!

    This are some activities that you can realize even though you're not in Bologna...

    Check on the internet, ask someone who knows the town, browse some books and ... take the Gimkana!

    Online Gymkana.pdf