Let's get to know each other!



    Two truths and one lie

    You have to say two things about yourself that are true and another thing that is false. 

    Your partner has to try to guess the right answer.

    Put it on the TwinBoard below and ... REMEMBER!

    Don't write your name!!

  • Two Truths and one Lie!

    Guess: Who am I?

    1. I'm 17
    2. I live in Italy
    3. I've been to United States 4 times

    Who am I

    1) I live in the meeting
    2) I love to read and write
    3) I have already been to Spain

    Guess who

    - I'm a Spanish teacher
    - I love the outdoors
    - I hate cooking

    two truths and one lie

    I have a dog
    I'm tall
    I have two sisters

    Two Truths ans one lie

    Im from Porto Santo
    I love Photography
    I aspire to be aeronautical engineer

    guess who I am

    1/ I love travelling
    2/ I teach History
    3/ I have been in Egypt 11 times

    Guess who am I ?

    1/ I love math
    2/ I live in Paris
    3/ I have been to Egypt 11 times

    Guess who am I!

    -I'm 16
    -I'm short
    -I'm a teacher

    Guess who am i

    I'm short
    I have a dog
    I have a brother

    Guess who

    I have a sister
    I have 15 years
    I love going to the gym

    Guess who

    I am a teacher. I have a dog, a rescue dog from Spain but I live far from Spain.

    Guess who i am

    - I'm 17
    - I play the bass
    - love painting

    Guess who am I?

    1. I like winter
    2. My favorite colour is pink
    3. I have a dog

    Guess who am I!

    I'm a student
    I live in Finland
    I'm 20 years old!