World Tsunami Awareness Day


    World Tsunami Day


    In 2021, World Tsunami Awareness Day promotes "Sendai Seven Campaign,” target (f), which aims to 'substantially enhance international cooperation to developing countries through adequate and sustainable support to complement their national actions for implementation of the present Framework by 2030.'






    Thank you very much! It isa very i teresting activity.

    With my pupils of the 4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece we created group Art work and exhibited the pupils' effort in the school. Congratulations to all the participants! Theodora Chandrinou and the lups of grade 6.


  • World Tsunami Day

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    World Tsunami Day at School

    Maria Mendes de Almeida - English Teacher at AZUFF - Portugal

    World Tsunami Awareness Day - 4th grades at Primary School of Abadias