World Oceans Day

  •      The Ocean: Life and livelihoods

    The ocean covers over 70% of the planet. It is our life source, supporting humanity’s sustenance and that of every other organism on earth.

    The ocean produces at least 50% of the planet’s oxygen, it is home to most of earth’s biodiversity, and is the main source of protein for more than a billion people around the world. Not to mention, the ocean is key to our economy with an estimated 40 million people being employed by ocean-based industries by 2030.

    Even though all its benefits, the ocean is now in need of support.

    With 90% of big fish populations depleted, and 50% of coral reefs destroyed, we are taking more from the ocean than can be replenished. To protect and preserve the ocean and all it sustains, we must create a new balance, rooted in true understanding of the ocean and how humanity relates to it. We must build a connection to the ocean that is inclusive, innovative, and informed by lessons from the past.

    Um Oceano para ensinar



    Caro professor,

    O Oceanário lança a nova revista digital «Um oceano para ensinar».

    Clique aqui para aceder à revista.

    Os professores são os mais fortes aliados para a criação de uma geração azul.

    Para continuar a contribuir para uma comunidade escolar mais consciente da importância do oceano, o Oceanário de Lisboa lança a revista digital mensal «Um oceano para ensinar», com conteúdos preparados exclusivamente para os professores.
    Nesta revista poderá encontrar atividades para realizar com os alunos e muitas curiosidades sobre o trabalho realizado no Oceanário e as espécies que fazem do aquário a sua casa.

    Caso pretenda continuar a receber esta revista mensal, de forma gratuita, inscreva-se aqui.


    Oceanário de Lisboa, S.A.
    Esplanada D. Carlos I
    1990-005 Lisboa – Portugal

    T: (+351) 218 917 000
    F: (+351) 218 917 001



    World Ocean Day for Schools

    Abadias Primary School

    Tide Pools

    Students visited the tide pools (see and learning).


    Agrupamento de Escolas da Zona Urbana da Figueira da Foz

    EB Abadias


    Sustainable Fish Action



    The 4th Primary School of Zografou Greece

    participate in the Environmental Greek Net of the Greek foundation for the protection of Nature. We watched online webinar and videos and participated in the activities of the Net World Ocean Day for Schools.

    We have also used educational material of WWF and Mediterranean SOS.

    The pupils were excited and inspired. The worked in groups and created Art posters and paintings, that we presented and exhibited in the school, visible to everyone.

    Thank you very much, Theodora Chandrinou - Greece


    World Ocean Day for Schools -

    4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece





    Maria Mendes de Almeida English Teacher at AZUFF, Portugal






  • World Oceans Day at School

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    Researching the Oceans in the School Library

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    E se pudesse escrever nas ondas do Mar?

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    E se pudesse escrever nas ondas do mar?

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    Visita de Estudo - Poças de Maré/
    Study Visit - Tide Pools

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School


    Ana Monteiro - English Teacher at Elementary School - AEZUFF - Portugal

    How can we save the Oceans?

    Maria Mendes de Almeida - English Teacher at AZUFF - Portugal

    Work done by the students of 4th grade, Viso

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    Read Week and Marine litter

    Agrupamento de escolas nº1 de Elvas CAA2
    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    Oceano Austral

    Paula Lemos - Abadias school

    "A menina do Mar" (The sea/ocean girl) is a story by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, a portuguese children´s book writer.

    Maria Mendes de Almeida - English Teacher at AZUFF - Portugal

    World Oceans Day - English Classes at AZUFF Elementary Schools

    4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece -Theodora Chandrinou

    We created Art posters and paintings. We used different Art techniques. Thank you very much, Theodora Chandrinou - Art Teacher.

    Theodora Chandrinou - World Ocean Day for Schools - 4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece
    With my pupils of the 4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece we achieved the participation!! Congratulations to all!! Sincerely, Theodora Chandrinou