World Environmental Day

  • World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated on June 5th every year to encourage environmental protection from environmental risks by encouraging awareness and actions for the protection of the environment. It was first held in 1974 by the United Nation, since then, it has been an important campaign to fight against emerging environmental risks from the human population, marine pollution, and most importantly, the increasing global warming, to sustainable consumption. 143 countries, from all over the world, actively participated in the campaign annually.

    Every year, WED decides on a new theme and gains active involvement from the major NGOs, communities, governments, and celebrities worldwide to advocate the environment related issues.

    Did you know?

    Within the next 10 years, one out of every four known species may have been wiped off the planet.

    In the last 150 years, the live coral reef cover has been reduced by half.


    Valormed - Escolas de Valor



    Agrupamento de Escolas da Zona Urbana da Figueira da Foz

    EB Abadias

    A importância de hábitos saudáveis e sustentáveis




    The 4th Primary School of Greece and my creative pupils

    present their creations and share environmental messages!!

    We organize an Art Exhibition, open to public

    and we invite the comunity to interact through digital presentations!

    Theodora Chandrinou - Art Teacher

    In the framework of the National Greek environmental projects, that we are doing with my pupils this school year, we participate in Environmental Education Networks.

    "Schools for the climate, islands of resilience and change" and "Nature without garbage" of the Greek Organization for the protection of Nature!

    "We are making our School more beautiful with the cteations of our pupils"

    We are painting the exterior walls. The pupils are working in group and enjoy the collaboration!

    Fine arts is our vehicle in order to cultivate life skills and environmental awareness. We share messages for sustainable development and invite the community to communicate the results.

    Congratulations to all the pupils!!


    Maria Mendes de Almeida English Teacher at AZUFF, Portugal

    World Environmental Day_Oceans&Antarctica.pdf




    Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Elvas 

    Learning support center in Elvas

    Get to know the river closest to Elvas, which is a dam, and a river through a radio report.
    Virtual visit to the Mora river.







    Ana Monteiro English teacher AEZUFF

    World Environmental Day