Curricular Integration

  • Curriculum

    Theodora Chandrinou, Art Teacher - 4th Primary School of Zografou, Greece

    Fine Arts is the subject that I teach and it is our educational vehicle! During the project we are going to combine learning subjects and experience through an interactive and disciplinary approach in order to cultivate environmental awareness and life skills!!

    Ana Monteiro - English Teacher at Elementary School of S. Julião-Tavarede and S.Pedro- Gala

    A integração deste projeto, na disciplina de Inglês, irá realizar-se atraves da realização das atividades tendo como base a língua Inglesa. A partir de videos, músicas e pequenos textos, os alunos poderão conhecer mais sobre os oceanos e a Antartida e ao mesmo tempo desenvolver competências nos domínios do Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. O Projeto também vai de encontro a alguns dos conteúdos da disciplina, nomeadamente o CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), seasons, the weather, recycling, Hearth Day, air and noise pollution, the beach/ocean/sea, the solar system, countries/nationalities, animals, wild animals, their features & habitats and features of the coast.

    Agrupamento de Escolas nº1 de Elvas

    Integração curricular Educação Especial
    A integração curricular deste projeto na intervenção da educação especial será desenvolvida de forma transversal, explorar-se-ão diferentes competências nos diferentes domínios com vista ao desenvolvimento nos alunos de competências presentes nos diferentes princípios previstos no perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória.

    Paula Maricato, EB Abadias- Abadias Primary School

    This project allows to integrate all students, even students with educational needs. It is part of the Annual Activity Plan School/ Grouping of Scools.

    The project is developed within the curriculum, aiming at the student's profile when leaving compulsory schooling.

    Mother tongue reading, writing and interpreting skills

    Skills in drawing, painting and creating plastic compositions

    This project allows to integrate all students, even students with educational needs. It is part of the Annual Activity Plan School/ Grouping of Scools.

    The project is developed within the curriculum, aiming at the student's profile when leaving compulsory schooling.

    Mother tongue reading, writing and interpreting skills

    Skills in drawing, painting and creating plastic compositions

    Citizenship skills are developed

    Paula Lemos - Abadias school - Figueira da Foz

    This project allows an approach to the curriculum in a multi and interdisciplinary way, integrating different contents and subjects. Environmental education for sustainability is one of the benchmarks of Citizenship, and intends to raise awareness, promote values, and change attitudes and behavior towards the environment.
    Knowing the magnificent nature of Antarctica, will enable us to recognize the importance of the oceans for the sustainability of the planet and understand the need to preserve the marine environment, in addition to activating the imagination of students, awakening their curiosity for new learnings.
    The collaborative work between students and teachers from different schools will contribute to the discussion and participation in various actions to raise awareness of ocean literacy. It is not enough just it is necessary to find ways to (re)build the planet we live on. The school is an important resource where we must develop skills to achieve this goal.

    Maria Mendes de Almeida - English Teacher at AZUFF - Portugal

    The integration of this project in the English Subject is done through the exploration of contents designated in the curriculum as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) which intends to mix the teaching of the Language with contents related to subjects such as environmental education, arts, fauna and flora.
    Besides helping to develop skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, it also contributes to raising awareness of the problems our planet faces. Students need to be encouraged to take action by recycling, caring, sharing and respecting more.
    It’s important taking further steps in changing attitudes and promoting values if we want to save our planet.
    This project allows the integration of all students, including those with special educational needs.
    It contributes to the achievement of the required skills students must have when leaving compulsory schooling.
    This project is part of the Annual Activity School Plan and the Educational School Project.


    This project allows to integrate all students, even students with educational needs. It is part of the Annual Activity Plan School/ Grouping of Scools.


    This project is developed within the curriculum, aiming at the student's profile when leaving compulsory schooling.


    Mother tongue reading, writing and interpreting skills


    Skills in drawing, painting and creating plastic compositions 


    Citizenship skills are developed