Interactive creations - Posters & Art-Works
We invited all students from the participating Schools to create posters proclaming Environmental messages. Here we present the results of our efforts!!!
Thank you very much dear friends for your cooperation nd your excellent work!!!!.
It is my honor that you accpted my invitation and you participated in this activity!
All the best, Theodora Chandrinou/ Greece.
Los estudiantes de todas las escuelas que participan en nuestro proyecto han creado posters y el arte de las obras proclama mensajes ambientales. Aquí que se presenta una pequeña muestra de nuestras obras!

Creation of the pupils of garde 5
of the 20th Primary School of Ilion, Greece (Fine Arts subject - supervisor:Theodora Chandrinou).

14th primary School of Ilion, Greece.
Creation of the pupils of grade 5 in the Fine Arts subject, under the supervision: Theodora Chandrinou.

España: Divina Pastora, Maestra: Nuria Gonzalo
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España: San José, Maestro: Esperanza Caro.
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Italia. Maestro: Irene Confalone

Escuela Primaria 20 de Ilion, Grecia,
Maestro: Marina Siarava.

Escuela Primaria 20 de Ilion, Grecia,
Arte-Maestro: Theodora Chandrinou.
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Escuela Primaria 20 de Ilion, Grecia,
Profesor de Inglés: Evangeline Tzavara.

Escuela Primaria 14 de Ilion, Grecia,
Arte-Maestro: Theodora Chandrinou.