We work together and Exchange materials by traditional post


    We work together and Exchange materials by traditional post

    In this project we worked fruitfully together and exchanged friendship messages:


    We exchanged materials by traditional post and here we present a sample of  the perfect collaboration we had in the frameworks of our project.


    Our collaboration started by exchanging post cards for Christmas. And it was a really very good start!!!



    From Spain to Greece! We received a paquete full of beautiful presents!!!

    ¡Muchas gracias amigos!


    From Greece to Spain.

    We received in Madrid a letter full of ideas, messages and  ilusion! Thank you!!!


    From Greece to Italy!

    In Italy we received a letter with so much  love!!! Thank you friends!


    From Italy to Greece.

    In Greece we received beautiful presents from Italy!!! Thank you dear friends! Ciao!!!


    From Italy to Spain.

    Italy shared this us a very pleasant surprise. ¡¡Thank you!!





    From Spain to Italy!!!