The participating Teachers evaluate the project
"Recycling through Art"
We invited the participating Teachers, students and their parents to evaluate the project:
Also Teachrs were invited to make a comment
or write their opinion about the etwinning adventure they had!
Theodora Chandrinou
Painter – Art printmaker,
Fine Arts Teacher
Project evaluation through
the pedagogical aims targeted
Recycling through art is an innovative eTwinning project designed for students from 10 to 16 years old. The profile of the project is based on active experiential learning. We tried to probe the interdisciplinary and integrated perspective on Environmental Education in relation with Visual Arts Education. Through our project, we underlined the value of Aesthetic culture on shaping a healthy coexistence of people in the modern environment and create critical thinking personalities.
The activities were based on the national Greek project of Environmental education: «Η Ανακύκλωση συναντά την Τέχνη» («Recycling meets Art”), that was realized in the 20th primary School of Ilion, Athens, Greece, under the supervision of Theodora Chandrinou.
Spain joined the project thanks to my friend Esperanza Caro who accepted to become the leader partner and a beautiful journey started. Italy also joined in and Irene Confalone became an ideal partner.
All the participating teachers did their best for the completion of the project, for the students’ benefit. We realized the activities in a friendly atmosphere and the collaboration with all the participating students from Greece, Spain and Italy has been excellent.
Students played a leading role throughout the project. They willingly collaborated with their Teachers (leaders-instructors, teachers of different subjects, specialists etc.). They were active members from the first until the last feedback activities of the project and of self evaluation as well. The results prove that the project has been successful and the students’ performance has been of high level.
First of all, we gave each and every group of students the ability to create their own web-page. The greater part of their work has been put up on the internet in the twin-space platform. We considered it to be safe and with great potential, enabled the communication of pupils with students from other schools in their country and also with teachers and students of the foreign countries. Our twin-space platform (pages, mail, chat room, project diary) has fully covered us on the on-line communications we had made and for exchanging project materials.
For our communication, a variety of media were used such as telephone calls between the project leaders Theodora Chandrinou and Esperanza Caro, traditional post for exchanging materials, wishes and creations and our personal email accounts and facebook. Many different ICT tools were also used: padlet, slide share, issuu, video presentations uploaded on you tube and vimeo, painting programs, answer garden, word and PDF archives, internet exploring, airpano, wix account, etc.
The pedagogical aims cognitive and meta-cognitive have been achieved. Personal, social skills and aesthetic values were succeeded. There has not been any denial on the part of the pupils to do the suggested activities, which is a remarkable fact! On the contrary there have been:
- Suggestions for collaboration
- Initiative and free expression
- Active membership and critical, constructive dialogue we aimed at cultivating the above thanks to the foreign languages involved.
- Artistic expression and desire to display the results (e.g. exhibitions, web pages, blogs).
- Innovative ideas and activities shared covering many different subjects in a creative way such as robotics and Art recycling creations.
A very important part of our success and completion of the project, is the reinforcement of behavioral defense on pupils with problems of intrapersonal behavior, lower self-esteem and learning difficulties. We made deductions through our results, in our effort to practically infuse the project, exchange good practices and achieve better communication among the countries. In order to open the project to the society we made our twinspace pages created and the project diary also used, visible to everyone.
I wholeheartedly wish to thank all my colleagues, each and every one separately, who honored the project: “Recycling through Art” with their participation and made it a success.



Evangeline Tzavara,
Teacher of English -
20th Primary School of Ilion, Athens, Greece.
Konstantinos Ropodis' review of the project...

Anastasia Pasia's evaluation of the project ''Recycling through Art''
English Teacher at the 14th Elementary School of Ilion, Athens, Greece
