“Creative Workshop for Making Easter Large Candles”
creations and collaborations
14/4/2016 – 20/4/2016
A creative workshop for making Easter large candles was held in 20th Primary School of Ilion, Athens, Greece in which the pupils of all grades participated.
In the framework of the Fine Arts subject pupils decorated candles using recyclable materials and combining different techniques.
The student's creations presented in an exhibition which took place in the events hall of the 20th Pr. School of Ilion, Athens, Greece from 20th to 23rd of April 2016.
The pupils of 5th grade of the 14th primary School of ilion, Athens, Greece collaborated in this activitie, as they also created their large cadles and presented them in exchange.
Students from Spain and Italy that participate in this project sent by post creations and drawings made with recyclable materials.
A book exhibition in the events hall of 20pr. School of Ilion as a parallel event was also taking place. Organized from the parents of the students in collaboration with our School community.

Archives about the event are demonstrated on this page.

14th Primary School of Ilion participated also.

And you can see more:
Our friends from Spain collaborated with us fruitfully:
Thank you all!!!